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IGCSE生物Topic 1内容详解

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-06-17 11:52


对于IGCSE生物的学习,锦秋小编还是建议大家以课本为基础进行复习,并强化知识点的记忆,今天,要为大家介绍的是IGCSE生物Topic 1内容的相关情况,希望对大家有所帮助。





IGCSE生物Topic 1内容详解

Subject Information.

以下为Topic 1的要点,供各位即将步入IGCSE生物学习的同学们参考:

Topic 1 – Key concepts in biology (Topic 1 content is common to all the biology papers)

(Topic 1 – Overarching concepts in biology)

(Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology 1, Paper 1, Topic 1 "Key concepts in biology")

You should be able to ....

◆ Be able to explain how the sub-cellular structures of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells are related to their functions, including:

animal cells - nucleus, cell membrane, mitochondria and ribosomes

plant cells - nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplasts, mitochondria, vacuole and ribosomes

bacteria - chromosomal DNA, plasmid DNA, cell membrane, ribosomes and flagella.

Introduction to plant and animal cell structure and function gcse biology revision notes.

◆ Be able to describe how specialised cells are adapted to their function, including:

sperm cells – acrosome, haploid nucleus, mitochondria and tail.

egg cells – nutrients in the cytoplasm, haploid nucleus and changes in the cell membrane after fertilisation.

ciliated epithelial cells.

Introduction to cell specialisation gcse biology revision notes.

◆ Be able to explain how changes in microscope technology, including electron microscopy, have enabled us to see cell structures with more clarity and detail than in the past and increased our understanding of the role of sub-cellular structures.

Microscopy - the development and use of microscopes in biology gcse biology revision notes

◆ Be able to demonstrate an understanding of number, size and scale, including the use of estimations and explain when they should be used

◆Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between quantitative units in relation to cells, including:

milli (10-3), micro (10-6), nano (10-9), pico (10-12)

(HT only) Do calculations with numbers written in standard form

◆ Core Practical: You should have investigated biological specimens using microscopes, including magnification calculations and labelled scientific drawings from observations.

Microscopy - the development and use of microscopes in biology gcse biology revision notes

◆ Be able to explain the mechanism of enzyme action including the active site and enzyme specificity

◆ Be able to explain how enzymes can be denatured due to changes in the shape of the active site

◆ Be able to explain the effects of temperature, substrate concentration and pH on enzyme activity.

◆ Core Practical: You should have investigated the effect of pH on enzyme activity.

◆ Be able to demonstrate an understanding of rate calculations for enzyme activity

◆ Be able to explain the importance of enzymes as biological catalysts in the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids and their breakdown into sugars, amino acids and fatty acids and glycerol.

ENZYMES - structure, function, optimum conditions, investigation experiments gcse biology revision notes

See also Enzymes and Biotechnology (gcse chemistry notes)

◆ Investigating the use of chemical reagents to identify starch, reducing sugars, proteins and fats

◆ Be able to explain how the energy contained in food can be measured using calorimetry

◆ Be able to explain how substances are transported by diffusion, osmosis and active transport

Diffusion, osmosis and active transport gcse biology revision notes

◆ Core practical: You should have investigated osmosis in potatoes

◆ Be able to calculate percentage gain and loss of mass in osmosis

Diffusion, osmosis and active transport gcse biology revision notes

Practicals you may have encountered and should revise too:

Investigating the effect of different concentrations of digestive enzymes, using and evaluating models of the alimentary canal.

Investigating the effect of temperatures and concentration on enzyme activity.

ENZYMES - structure, function, optimum conditions, investigation experiments gcse biology revision notes

Investigating plant and animal cells with a light microscope.

Microscopy - the development and use of microscopes in biology gcse biology revision notes

Investigating the effect of concentration on rate of diffusion.



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