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首页 >  学校申请 > 如何用A-Level成绩申请就业率高居澳洲榜首的皇家墨尔本理工大学


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2018-10-25 14:12








艺术设计  世界排名11

图书馆与信息管理  世界排名20

建筑学  世界排名26






RMIT是一家在技术、设计和企业领域获得领导和创新认可的全球性大学。不仅在澳大利亚的墨尔本有校园,还有越南的两个校区,欧洲(西班牙)的中心,印度尼西亚的代表处,并通过亚洲和欧洲的合作伙伴提供课程。国际卓越——作为QS五星评级机构,RMIT被列为的大学之一,拥有强大的研究记录和进的设施和基础设施。无论是在澳大利亚完成学业还是在世界任何地方完成学业,目标都是为学生提供的学习体验和技能,帮助学生们在自己选择的职业上取得成功。 RMTI与企业有强大的关联。超过50%的RMIT课程提供从欧莱雅到联合国等公司的实习和行业工作经验。 RMIT的课程旨在让学生能将理论付诸实践,与的一些组织一起工作,培养雇主最看重的技能。 RMIT拥有超过100个学生俱乐部、社团和集体,可以选择这些方式来结识新朋友,发展新技能并与分享你兴趣的人交流,甚至可以开办你自己的社团。


设计与社会科学学院(Collegeof Design and Social Context)

商学院(College ofBusiness)

科学、工程与健康学院(Collegeof Science, Engineering and Health)




Bachelor of Architectural Design

设计学士(建筑设计)RMIT 建筑在设计卓越方面享有国际声誉,并通过培养设计创新者毕业生在澳大利亚和海外引领潮流。这套课程将是学生成为建筑师的步,帮助发展对建筑的理解, 提供多元化的技能和学习体验。让学生专注于学习建筑师和建筑设计师所需的核心技能,并深入开发设计和沟通技巧的广泛基础。




*学费:$36,480 一年(2018)

*GCE A-Level 成绩要求: Minimum 10 points for 3 Levelsubjects. i.e. CCB

*雅思: IELTS(Academic): overall band of 6.5 (with no individual band below 6.0)



Completethe Architecture pre-selection kit unless you have successfullycompleted the following:

? RMIT Foundation Studies program (Art,Design and Architecture stream) or

? an Advanced Diploma of Building Design(Architectural) or Diploma of Drafting/Building Design or

? a minimum of one year tertiary study in adesign discipline e.g. architecture, interior design, industrial design,landscape architecture, graphic design, art or fashion design

If you have completed any of the above then you are exempt fromcompleting the pre-selection kit. Instead you will need to submit the followingwith your application: Folio (The folio must demonstrate your breadth of talentin design) , CV , academic transcript , letter outlining your reason forapplying.

Interview:Short-listed and exempt applicants are required to participate in a videointerview. These applicants will be contacted by email with instructionsregarding their interview.

Semester 2

If youhave completed the Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) you maybe required to participate in an interview. You will be contacted by 1 May withthe date, time and instructions for the interview. If you have completed therelevant tertiary study you must submit a folio, CV and a statement with yourapplication. Short-listed applicants will be required to participate in aninterview. You will be contacted by 1 May with the date, time and instructionsfor the interview.

Bachelor of Design (Animation and Interactive Media)

设计学士(动画与互动式媒体):学生将成为动画和互动媒体设计的专家,其中包括:动画(2D 和3D)、动态图形、特殊效果、互动媒体。这个课程从动画角色到线性和交互式环境中的运动图形,以各种形式查看动画。该课程提供创造性的思考和的学习环境,侧重于开发既有潜能和发展未来可能性。毕业生将在设计、媒体和艺术学科中展现审美和智力成熟以及强大的技术能力。


*入学月份:二月,七月 *学费:$31,680 一年(2018)

*GCE A Level 成绩要求 Minimum 8 points for 3 Levelsubjects. i.e. CCD

*雅思: IELTS(Academic): overall band of 6.5 (with no individual band below 6.0)

*作品集或其他要求:Folio: You mustsupply evidence of your creativity in the form of a folio that containsa variety of your personal work in art, design or media relevant to theprogram/s you are applying for. The folio should demonstrate your interests andcreative thinking as well as your conceptual, design, problem solving andtechnical skills. You should include evidence of how ideas were developed aswell as finished works. Examples of work to include in your folio are drawings,paintings, graphic designs, photographs, digital images, models, sculpture,video, scripting, short stories, and/or 2D and 3D Flash animation. We recommendyou explain each work to help the Selection Officer understand the purpose andbackground of that work. Folios should be submitted electronically on a CD withfiles in PDF, JPEG, SWF, DCR or QuickTime format suitable to be read on Mac OSXor later, unless otherwise specified. Each electronic file should be no largerthan 10MB.

Bachelor of Design(Communication Design)



*入学月份:二月,七月 *学费:$31,680 一年(2018)

*GCE A-Level 成绩要求 Minimum 8 points for 3 Levelsubjects. i.e. CCD

*雅思: IELTS(Academic): overall band of 6.5 (with no individual band below 6.0)

*作品集或其他要求:Folio: You mustsupply evidence of your creativity in the form of a folio that containsa variety of your personal work in art, design or media relevant to theprogram/s you are applying for. The folio should demonstrate your interests andcreative thinking as well as your conceptual, design, problem solving andtechnical skills. You should include evidence of how ideas were developed aswell as finished works. Examples of work to include in your folio are drawings,paintings, graphic designs, photographs, digital images, models, sculpture,video, scripting, short stories, and/or 2D and 3D Flash animation. We recommendyou explain each work to help the Selection Officer understand the purpose andbackground of that work. Folios should be submitted electronically on a CD withfiles in PDF, JPEG, SWF, DCR or QuickTime format suitable to be read on Mac OSXor later, unless otherwise specified. Each electronic file should be no largerthan 10MB.

Bachelor of Design (Digital Media)


*课程长度:三年 *入学月份:二月,七月

*学费:$31,680 一年(2018)

*GCE A-Level 成绩要求 Minimum 8 points for 3 Levelsubjects. i.e. CCD

*雅思: IELTS(Academic): overall band of 6.5 (with no individual band below 6.0)

*作品集或其他要求:Statement: If youare not currently studying Year 12 (or equivalent), you must submit astatement as part of your application explaining your reasons for wanting tostudy the course and include details of any relevant work or voluntaryexperience.

Bachelor of Industrial Design ( Honours)

工业设计荣誉学士: 这个荣誉学位是提供有抱负的设计师开发技能而设计的一套专业课程,可视化和设计解决方案的原型来解决复杂的问题。 RMIT 处于当代工业设计的前端,在整个学习过程中,学生将亲身体验当代工业设计并实践,以及认识工业设计的素材和结构了解。

60 多年来,皇家墨尔本理工大学的工业设计为有抱负的设计师提供了技术上、理论上和应用上的课程,并将这些技巧融入工业设计实践的多元化的动态领域。在产业和专业实习背景下处理实际问题,并得到专家的指导和反馈,该课程在长达一年的荣誉设计研究项目中获得最实际的操作设计经验达到与未来职业连结的目标。


*入学月份:二月,七月 *学费:$33,600 一年(2018)

*GCE A-Level 成绩要求 Minimum 8 points for 3 Levelsubjects. i.e. CCD

*雅思: IELTS(Academic): overall band of 6.5 (with no individual band below 6.0)

*作品集或其他要求:Statement: If youare not currently studying Year 12 (or equivalent), you must submit astatement as part of your application explaining your reasons for wanting tostudy the course and include details of any relevant work or voluntaryexperience.

Bachelor of Fashion Design(Honours)


*课程长度:四年 *入学月份:二月

*学费:$30,720 一年(2018)

*GCE A-Level 成绩要求 Minimum 8 points for 3 Levelsubjects. i.e. CCD

*雅思: IELTS(Academic): overall band of 6.5 (with no individual band below 6.0)

*作品集或其他要求:Folio: Pleasesupply evidence of your creativity in the form of a folio. The folio caninclude work from secondary school, previous study and personal or work-relateddesign experience (including sketchbooks), and can come from a variety of disciplineareas (e.g. garment construction, design, wearable art, illustrations,accessories, photography). You should include a statement with your folio whichexplains your work to help the Selection Officer understand the purpose andbackground.

Folios should be submitted electronically on a CD with filesin PDF, JPEG, SWF, DCR or QuickTime format suitable to be read on Mac OSX orlater, unless otherwise specified. Each electronic file should be no largerthan 10MB.

Interview: You must present your folio at an assessmentsession (if you are living outsideMelbourne,this can be conducted via email, phone or Skype)






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