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首页 >  学校申请 > 剑桥大学A-Level考试要求问答篇


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-06-05 10:49




A:The entry requirements are on the website and will specify if a particular subject is required at A level, this tends to be the case for Science subjects. For Education there are no specific subjects required, however some Colleges may require you to have taken a subject relevant to the track you wish to study (Education is split into Education, Psychology and Learning; Education, Policy and International Development; and Education, English, Drama and the Arts)。 You can check with an individual College what their requirements are should you have a particular College in mind that you wish to apply to.



A:We wouldn’t be too concerned by a small number of resits. If there are extenuating circumstances e.g. illness that would explain poor performance please make sure the teacher notifies us in the teacher reference as well. If someone has a large number of resits with no clear reason why we may be more concerned as there are not generally opportunities to resit exams here at Cambridge so we would look to admit students who can generally ‘get it right first time’。



A:They would be the same –A*A*A for Science courses and A*AA for Humanities. We don’t have any quotas for international v domestic students, we are looking for the best students from anywhere in the world. The only extra requirement would be English language requirements –we would ask for an IELTS 7.5, with 7.0 or above in each element, achieved in one sitting. But as you are studying a qualification in English hopefully this should be achievable!


Q:在申请过程中,A-level, preinterview笔试和面试分别占多大的比重?

A:There isn’t one! We look at students on a very individual basis so we will consider a number of academic areas but their weighting will depend on the student – some do better in exams and some at interview, for example. We will look at your grades and predicted grades, personal statement, teacher reference, written assessment and interview. So just try to represent yourself as best you can in every aspect of the application!



A:The interview is academic based and is conducted by a specialist in the area of study you are applying for. It is designed to be similar in format to the small group/ individual teaching style Cambridge is known for, the ‘supervisions’。 The interviewer(s) will start with questions related to either your personal statement or what you have been studying in school and then will move to more challenging questions that are designed to stretch you. They are interested in how you think so won’t expect the correct answer right away, but make sure you can explain your reasoning out loud. It is fine to ask questions, the interviewer is there to help you, they aren’t trying to catch you out. Remember that the interview is only one part of the application process (see Q4)。



A:At Cambridge extra-curricular activities which aren’t related to the subject you are applying for don’t form part of the application decision. We are however interested in ‘super-curricular’ activities which are activities you undertake outside of class time which relate to the subject you are applying for. This can be any number of things but will demonstrate to us your interest and motivation to study your subject of choice. Make sure in your personal statement you tell us about these activities. The statement should be around 80% on academics and super curricular and 20% extracurricular.


Q:想申请剑桥建筑专业 Ps和作品集要怎么准备?有什么好的建议?

A:All Architecture applicants invited to interview are expected to show a portfolio of recent work at the interview but this isn't expected to be work of an architectural nature (e.g. plans, sections etc.)。

Admissions Tutors want to see something that illustrates your interests, experience and ability in the visual and material arts. This may include drawings, paintings, sculpture and/or photography may also be included. It's usually sufficient for three-dimensional work to be exhibited in photographs.

A sketchbook with ongoing drawings is extremely helpful and applicants are encouraged to take one to the interview. It may be in any media (pencil, charcoal, crayon etc.) and should include a variety of subject matter. The work can be material prepared for school-leaving examinations but creative work executed outside formal courses is also welcome.

Portfolio requirements vary from College to College. Please see the Department website and individual College websites for further guidance.





Q: 学习A-Level申请剑桥大学能否同时申请不同的专业?

A: You can apply to up to 5 UK universities through UCAS, although you must choose between Oxford and Cambridge. You can only apply to one course at Cambridge. We would expect that you are applying to similar courses at each of your chosen institutions. You are demonstrating your interest in a particular subject to us throughout the application process, so if you are applying to more than one subject area this would be counterproductive. That said, courses at different universities may not all have the exact same name and that is fine as long as they are in the same subject area.



A:The requirements are similar across the Colleges, and the standard university offer is indicated on our website, however Colleges may have slightly different requirements. It is best to check on the individual College’s website if you have a particular one in mind. You must choose one College to apply to, or make an open application and we will allocate you to a College. This is the College that will assess your application, however we do have a moderation system known as the pool. This means that other Colleges can view applications from good applicants who aren’t accepted by their original College, so it is possible to receive an offer from a different College to the one you applied to.



A:You will also write a personal statement as part of your UCAS application (see Q6), and there will be a written assessment. The format for this varies depending on the subject you are applying for but all the information will be on our website on the relevant course page. Most assessments take place either at the beginning of November or on the day of your interview, depending on subject. There are practice papers on the website for you to look over. Top tip: make sure you practice under timed conditions. You can also prepare for the interview by reading over your personal statement and brushing up on the topics you are studying at school.



A:We don’t have any quotas for international students or students from any particular countries –except in Medicine where the government restricts how many international students we can take. We are looking for the best and brightest students regardless of background or nationality. Our entry requirements are already very high so we aren’t planning on increasing them any time soon. Many students that we give an offer to do actually exceed their offer however so there are a lot of high performing students out there! Our acceptance rate is actually about 20% which is far higher than that of Harvard for example, which is 5%.





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