关于A-level经济这个科目,在A-level常考科目中,属于比较难一些的科目,前面,我们介绍过关于AS经济中C2 Demand and Supply和C2 Elasticities的相关内容,下面,锦秋小编将继续为大家详细介绍一下A2的考纲中,C3 Efficiency and Market Failure的相关内容,希望对大家能够有所帮助。
3.1 Efficiency
Frequently asked topics
Explain productive and allocative efficiency
Explain Pareto efficiency and dynamic efficiency
Productive efficiency:
Allocative efficiency: P=MC, MSB=MSC的交点
*PPC上的点和allocative efficiency无关
理论上,只有perfect competition能同时达到两个efficiency
Pareto efficiency: PPC上的点
Dynamic efficiency: 科技进步带来成本下降
Sample essays
15W1 Explain what is meant by economic efficiency.
17W2 A country moved from a point within its production possibility curveto a point on its production possibility curve. Explain what is meant byeconomic efficiency. Analyse what happened to economic efficiency in thatcountry as a result of this movement.
3.2 Inefficiency
Frequently asked topics
Explain market failure
Explain inefficiency under different market structures
Market failure 包括 Externalities (positive/negative), imperfect competition (monopoloy), public goods。考试的时候写三个能确保满分。
除了perfect competition以外,所有的market structure都是inefficient。同学们需要学会用mc和mr的图去解释。
Sample essays
12W1 Explain what is meant when it is said that theremight be inefficiencies in the production of goods and in the allocation of resources.
14W3 Discuss whether firms operating in a marketstructure of monopolistic competition are less efficient than those operatingin perfect competition.
3.3 Government intervention to correct market failures
Frequently asked topics
Discuss whether intervention is necessary
Explain how to correct market failure
Evaluate whether intervention would be effective
首先,政府一定要干预market failure吗?
Public goods: 一定要干预。是否有效取决于Cost-Benefit Analysis
Externalities: 不一定需要干预。消费者或者生产者会意识到externalities并做出改进。Negative externalities 用 indirect tax,是否成功取决于PED, externality是否计算准确; Positive externalities 用 Nudge (Persuasion),是否成功取决于literacy level, 同时政府投钱有opportunity cost
Monopoly: 需要干预,由于缺乏竞争垄断的公司很难做出行为的改变。干预方法:Deregulation, Promote competition. 然而monopoly在长期可以获得dynamic efficiency;如果是natural monopoly放开竞争反而会增加成本. 干预并非一定提升效率。
Sample essays
17W2 Discuss whethergovernment intervention in the economy is a necessary and sufficient conditionfor overcoming inefficiency in resource allocation.
12W1 Discuss whether the best way toovercome market failure is to control private enterprise by means of taxation.
15W1 Discuss how the privatisationof an industry might affect economic efficiency.
11S1 Discuss whethereconomic efficiency can be improved if governments are involved in theregulation and provision of goods and services when there is market failure.
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