雅思 + A - Level + 英国留学

CIE ALEVEL秋季考试细节披露

浏览:   发布日期:2022-05-24 13:38



11月大考将提供components、Component exemptions和Component adjustments指南。同时将在 5 月发布更多可用调整和豁免的详细信息。

11月系列也会有expanded special consideration,符合条件的考生,只要参加了考试系列中至少一个合格单元,就可以获得分数。



November 2022: Running exams

Guidance on components, component adjustments and exemptions

We can confirm that guidance on components, component adjustments and component exemptions will all be available in November 2022. We will publish more details of the available adjustments and exemptions in May – these will be broadly the same as June 2022, except where a syllabus is not available in the November series.

Component exemptions mean that candidates can still receive an overall syllabus grade, even if they can’t take a component they are entered for.

Component adjustments allow candidates to take a component in a way that is easier to manage (they produce a reduced amount of work for that component).

Special consideration

Special consideration is a post-exam adjustment that we make to a candidate's mark. We do this to make allowances for some adverse circumstances - for example: illness, bereavement, temporary injury or disruption to an exam.

