雅思 + A - Level + 英国留学


浏览:   发布日期:2018-02-23 13:36


会计系(Department of Accounting)

人类学系(Department of Anthropology)

经济学系(Department of Economics)

经济史系(Department of Economic History)

欧洲研究所(European Institute)

金融系(Department of Finance)

性别研究所(Gender Institute)

地理与环境系(Department of Geography & Environment)

政府学系(Department of Government)

国际发展系(Department of International Development)

国际史系(Department of International History)

国际关系系(Department of International Relations)

语言中心(Language Centre)

法学系(Department of Law)

管理系(Department of Management)

数学系(Department of Mathematics)

传媒系(Department of Media & Communications)

方法论系(Department of Methodology)

哲学、逻辑与科学方法系(Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method)

公共事务研究所(Institute of Public Affairs (IPA))

社会政策系(Department of Social Policy)

社会心理学系(Department of Social Psychology)

社会学系(Department of Sociology)

统计系(Department of Statistics)



亚洲研究中心(Asia Research Centre)

城市研究中心(LSE Cities)

气候变化经济与政策研究中心(ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP))

民主与战略研究中心(Diplomacy and Strategy (IDEAS))

经济表现研究中心(Centre for Economic Performance (CEP))

国际经济与关系研究中心(Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERD))

金融市场研究中心(Financial Markets Group Research Centre (FMG))

格兰瑟姆研究所(Grantham Research Institute (GRI))

卫生与社会保健研究中心(LSE Health and Social Care)

人权研究中心(Centre for the Study of Human Rights)

国际增长研究中心(International Growth Centre (IGC))

地方经济增长研究中心(What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth (What Works))

宏观经济学研究中心(Centre for Macroeconomics (CFM))

中东研究中心(Middle East Centre)

自然与社会科学哲学研究中心(Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS))

社会排斥分析中心(Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE))

南亚研究中心(South Asia Centre)

东南亚研究中心(Southeast Asia Centre(SEAC))

空间经济学研究中心(Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC))

系统风险研究中心(Systemic Risk Centre (SRC))

时间序列分析中心(Centre for the Analysis of Time Series (CATS))
