Aeronautical Engineering 42 - 44 points
Aeronautics with Spacecraft Engineering 42 - 44 points
Biochemistry 39 points
Biochemistry with Management 39 points
Biological Sciences 38 points
Biological Sciences with Management 38 points
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 39 points
Biomedical Engineering 39–40 points
Biotechnology 39 points
Biotechnology with Management 39 points
Chemical Engineering 41-42 points
Chemical with Nuclear Engineering 41-42 points
Chemistry 39-40 points
Chemistry with Management 39-40 points
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry 39-40 points
Chemistry with Molecular Physics 39-40 points
Civil Engineering 40 points
Computing 42 points
Design Engineering 39–40 points
Earth and Planetary Science 38-39 points
Economics, Finance and Data Science not given
Electrical and Electronic Engineering 40 points
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Management 38–40 points
Electronic and Information Engineering 40 points
Materials Science and Engineering 39 points
Materials with Nuclear Engineering 39 points
Mathematics 39-40 points
Mathematics and Computer Science 42 points
Mathematics with Applied Mathematics/Mathematical Physics 39-40 points
Mathematics with Mathematical Computation 39-40 points
Mathematics with Statistics 39-40 points
Mathematics with Statistics for Finance 39-40 points
Mathematics(Pure Mathematics) 39-40 points
Mechanical Engineering 40 points
Mechanical Engineering with Nuclear Engineering 40 points
Medical Biosciences 38 points
Medical Biosciences with Management 38 points
Medicine 39 points
Microbiology 38 points
Molecular Bioengineering 39–40 points
Physics 42 points
Physics with Theoretical Physics 42 points
大学名称 | QS排名 |