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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2018-11-15 14:25





01 Classics

To what extent can you justify heroism in the Iliad?

02 Economics


There are 8 coins to be divided between A and B. A first makes an offer of how to divide the 8 coins between them. If B refuses A’s offer, then now it is B’s turn to make the offer, but this time 4 coins are taken away so that only 4coins can be divided between them. Again, if A refuses B’s offer then now A can make an offer again, but again the stake is halved to two coins. Once a single coin remains, whoever makes the offer takes the coin. What offer should A make at the beginning? (assuming B is rational, and A knows that B is rational)


Brianna: It would have been better to buy a tree last summer rather than last summer. The one we bought this summer is struggling to survive this summer's drought. If we had bought one last summer, it would have been able to survive this summer's drought, because last summer's normal rainfall would have enable it to develop established roots. Trees with established roots can better withstand droughts.

Which one of the following, most accurately expresses the overall conclusion shown in Brianna's argument?

i. It would have been better to buy a tree last summer rather than last summer

ii. The tree purchased this summer is struggling to survive this summer's drought.

iii. If a tree had been purchased last summer, it would have been better able to survive this summer's drought.

iv. A tree purchased last summer would have established roots.

vi. Trees with established roots can better with stand droughts.

03 Geography

Does ivy growth protect or destroy walls?

04 Law

If the punishment for parking on double yellow lines were death, and therefore nobody did it, would that be a just and effective law?

05 Philosophy


If the probability of winning a lottery is low but someone still wins and the probability of sun not rising tomorrow is also low, can we assume that the sun will not rise tomorrow?


"Bob is close to retirement. He has invested most of his savings in a very rare and valuable old car, a Bugatti, which he has not been able to insure. The Bugatti is his pride and joy. In addition to the pleasure he gets from driving and caring for his car, Bob knows that its rising market value means that he will always be able to sell it and live comfortably after retirement. One day when Bob is out for a drive, he parks the Bugatti near the end of a railway siding and goes for a walk up the track. As he does so, he sees that a runaway train,with no one aboard, is running down the railway track. Looking farther down the track, he sees the small figure of a child very likely to be killed by the runaway train. He can't stop the train and the child is too far away to warn of the danger, but he can throw a switch that will divert the train down the siding where his Bugatti is parked. Then nobody will be killed – but the train will destroy his Bugatti. Thinking of his joy in owning the car and of the financial security it represents, Bob decides not to throw the switch. The child is killed. For many years to come, Bob enjoys owning his Bugatti and the financial security it represents.”

指点迷津(Hint:There is no right answer. Think about different situations with the same outcome. What if Bob’s car was going to be destroyed, and he flips the switch to save his car and the child is killed as a result? Is outcome the only thing that matters?) 

06 Politics

"Democratic countries have not gone to war with each other. Does that mean that all democratic countries are peaceful?”

"If democratic countries are peaceful, does that mean democracy is the ideal system of governance?”

"Should we convert all countries to democracies now if democracies are peaceful?”  

指点迷津 (Hint: Think about examples that argue for this point. Then think about counter-examples and explain why those argue against this point.) 

07 Management 

You are the principal of a school, whose aim is to get as many pupils into university as possible. Your secretary informs you of a course which students take, designed to get students into a university. You are given a set of data from a study, which shows that statistically, students who took the course were twice as likely to get into university. You cannot get any other piece of external data, other than within your own school. As the principal, what would you choose to do?

指点迷津(Hint: Could this information be used as a concrete evidence to prove the effectiveness of the course? If not, what would you do to test the effectiveness of the course?)




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