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首页 >  考试技巧 > ALevel物理大纲要求掌握的18个实验(A2篇)


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-03-19 11:47



Further mechanics 

1. Use of, for example, lightgates and air track to investigate momentum and change in momentum

Investigateand apply the principle of conservation of linear momentum to problems in onedimension

Investigateand relate net force to rate of change of momentum in situations where mass isconstant (Newton’s second law of motion)

2.  Investigate the effect of m,v and r of orbit on centripetal force

Usethe expression for centripetal force F = ma = mv2/r and hence derive and usethe expressions for centripetal acceleration a = v2/r and a = rω2.

Electric field 

3. Demonstration of electriclines of force between electrodes

Drawand interpret diagrams using lines of force to describe radial and uniformelectric fields qualitatively

4. Use electronic balance tomeasure the force between two charges

Usethe expression F = kQ1Q2/r2, where k = 1/4πε0and derive and use the expression E= kQ/r2 for the electric field due to a point charge

5. Use a Coulometer to measurecharge stored

Investigateand use the expression C = Q/V

6. Investigate energy stored bydischarging through series/parallel combination of light bulbs

Recogniseand use the expression W = ½ QV for the energy stored by a capacitor, derivethe expression from the area under a graph of potential difference againstcharge stored, and derive and use related expressions, for example, W = ½ CV2

7. Use of data logger to obtain I-t graph

Recogniseand use the expression Q = Q0 e-t/RC and derive and userelated expressions, for exponential discharge in RC circuits, for example, I =Io e-t/RC

Magnetic field 

8. Electronic balance to measureeffect of I and l on force

Investigate,recognise and use the expressionF = BIl sin θ and apply Fleming’s left hand rule to currents

9. Deflect electron beams with a magnetic field

Recogniseand use the expression F= Bqv sin θ and apply Fleming’s left hand rule to charges

10. Use a data logger to plot V against t as a magnet falls through a coil of wire

Investigateand explain qualitatively the factors affecting the emf induced in a coil whenthere is relative motion between the coil and a permanent magnet and when thereis a change of current in a primary coil linked with it

Thermal energy 

11.  Measure specific heatcapacity of a solid and a liquid using, for example, temperature sensor anddata logger

Investigate,recognise and use the expression ΔE= mcΔθ

12.  Temperature and pressuresensors to investigate relationship between p and T

Experimentalinvestigation of relationship between p and V

Usethe expression pV= NkT asthe equation of state for an ideal gas

 Nuclear decay 

13.  Measure background count rate

Showan awareness of the existence and origin of background radiation, past andpresent

14.  Investigate the absorption ofradiation by paper, aluminium and lead (radiation penetration simulationsoftware is a viable alternative)

Investigateand recognise nuclear radiations (alpha, beta and gamma) from their penetratingpower and ionising ability

15.  Measure the activity of aradioactive source Simulation of radioactive decay using, for example, dice

Determinethe half lives of radioactive isotopes graphically and recognise and use theexpressions for radioactive decay: dN/dt=-λN, λ= ln 2/t½ and N= N0 e-λt


16.  Use a motion sensor togenerate graphs of SHM

Obtaina displacement – time graph for an oscillating object and recognise that thegradient at a point gives the velocity at that point

17.  Use, for example, vibrationgenerator to investigate forced oscillations

Investigateand recall how the amplitude of a forced oscillation changes at and around thenatural frequency of a system and describe, qualitatively, how damping affectsresonance

18.  Use, for example, vibrationgenerator to investigate damped oscillations

Explainhow damping and the plastic deformation of ductile materials reduce theamplitude of oscillation



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